
Online Marketing Tools – See how your dance studio is listed on Google, Bing, and other major local search engines.

Google Keyword Tool – Research the keywords Google searchers may be using to find your dance studio or company website.

Keyword Mixer – Create a list of the local keyword variations people will use to find your dance studio online.

Yabigo – Compare side by side search engine results for Yahoo, Bing and Google.

Google Alerts – Monitor the Web for interesting new content on various topics, or monitor mentions of your personal name or dance studio name.

KnowEm – Check for the use of your studio, company, personal name or username instantly on popular and emerging social media websites.

ManageFlitter – Easy to use tools to allow you to work smarter and faster with your dance studio Twitter account.

Montastic – Get an e-mail every time your website goes down.

Web Page Analyzer – Free website performance and web page speed analysis tool.

Likealyzer – Measure and analyze the potential and success rate of your Facebook Pages.